after vegas life calmed down - in my dreams that is. off to arkansas for thanksgiving with the fam! which was really fun. not at all what i expected - did you know that arkansas is really beautiful? and that the shopping is killer - it was news to me too! i drove up to dallas to meet my sister after work and then the next day we drove to arkasas - a good seven hours - it was fun too! unfortunately, i ended the week with a blow out on I-45 - bad news bears. it was a pretty terrifying hour of my life. even the guy who so nicely towed me away said he got out of his truck saying his last prayers - that's always a good thing to hear after the fact.
umm... let me think - what happened next? oh right - my brakes went out - great. went to the fix it place after work where the dude told me my brakes needed to replaced - but they close in 30 minutes so i will need to come back tomorrow. two death defying car rides later i had new brakes and now my car only shakes and pulls to the left (on account of the new tire i had to get). one more trip to the fix it place to fix the shaking and pulling left me with an $800 option or a less extensive $350 option, neither of which will fix the shaking or the pulling. so i asked if it was safe to drive as is and was told - sure - so i'm driving my shaky, pully car and gonna go car shopping soon - yay?!
christmas came and went in a whirl wind of crazy family adventure - super duper fun!!!! the whole fam came down and stayed in the same house - nine adults and one baby - can we say crazy again! annabel is even cuter and more the love of my life than before - if that's even possible. we had some good conversations and she managed to throw up on me a sufficient number of times - however, much to my suprise - the whole time i didn't have to change one diaper - not really sure how that happened. pretty sure the parents weren't too thrilled with that - oh well ;)
over the christmas weekend - i ran...can i get a drum roll please... 17.5 miles!!! yes you read that right - 17.5! can i get a what what!! i left the house the saturday after christmas and proceeded to carry myself 17.5 miles down the road! i was met at mile 9 by my wonderful brother, sister and brother-in-law who were my cheering section! it was pretty sweet to see them pop out to cheer me on - i did, however, proceed to run the entire rest of the way, in case they popped out again and catch me walking - oops. it was certaintly some good motivation.
10 miles this weekend finishes out my update.
extremely sore - check
painfully stiff - check
bottle of aspirin close by - check
the satisfaction in knowing i really can run this marathon - yeah, that's worth it!
love to you all - colleen
with God all things are possible.
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