Tuesday, February 16, 2010

day 349

hello all!

it's been a good month off for rest and recovery. i am pleased to say that the time did what it was supposed to do and the knee is feeling much better! i haven't run on it since (unless you count the time that i ran from the parking lot to the theater ticket window to see when in rome with a friend - i was late - shocking, i know) but there really isn't any pain when i walk up or down stairs and walking in general no longer makes me want to stop and cry. so that means healed in my book! as of right now that is.

this past week i fought a losing battle with some sort of stomach bug (food poisening, flu, virus i don't know which) but it knocked me off my keester for two days of work and i still have trouble eating a full meal. thankfully, my nursing student roommate found it all very interesting and took care of me whilst i recovered on the couch under a mountain of blankets with a plethera of movies. anywho - i discovered that i lost more than seven pounds between tuesday night and thursday morning (probably not a good thing) and not a way to lose a few pounds that i would recommend to anybody, not even an enemy. but, it came at the perfect time as my co-worker and i are turning over a new leaf to eat healthier and spend less. if you have ever visited the downtown houston tunnels you know that you can find just about anything and everything that you are craving. of course, it comes with a price and, of course, if it's what i'm craving there isn't going to be any left overs.  so all in all, it was a good jump start to a new, healthy way of living.

drum roll please...
training starts next week! conditioning first and the running will come a bit later. however, in the mean time, i'm thinking of getting some of those barefoot running toe shoes. it might solve all my joint problems if i run barefoot - what do you think? they're actually quite interesting, take a look http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/products/products_footwear.cfm?CFID=6503165&CFTOKEN=93196439

let's recap:
  • don't eat yellow snow....err.....i mean.....let your body heal
  • putting your name on your race shirt makes all the difference in the world
  • a marathon is the worst parade ever....according to some guy i ran by
  • the show FRIENDS is very good medicine
  • when you think you can't possibly throw up any more, just wait - you can
  • my niece is the most beautiful, precious little girl EVER!
i shall let you know how the conditioning/training goes! till then

with God all things are possible

1 comment:

  1. i looked at those shoes when they first came out and thought they were really bizarre. now i look at them again and think that they are still really bizarre. but maybe they work. good luck.
