Friday, October 23, 2009

day 85

another week has come and gone and it's time for me to check in and see how i've done...

october has been quite the month and it's not yet done. i spent this past weekend in good old columbus, ohio! meeting my beautiful niece, annabel, and seeing my brother and sister-in-law. it was an exciting time! in fact, i was even able to see my brother run his first ever marathon - whoa! i came away from that experience with some advice from a 'seasoned' marathoner:

  • don't miss the last 5.5 weeks of training or i'm are gonna hurt

  • remember to put my name in big letters on my shirt

  • get a friend to stand at mile 20 to tell me to 'give up while i'm ahead'

not so sure about that last one, but andrew said...

my new goal is to beat his time - probably not so sure that is what my goal should be - ya know, brotherly love and all that, but whatever keeps me moving forward - right?!

so, let's get down to business and see what's been happening

last week i swam laps in the pool (where else?) and then spent the weekend playing with my baby girl :) then wednesday for cardio i came up with a brilliant idea and ran up and down stairs for 15 minutes - brutal. thursday was good too - i ran four miles at a 13.5 pace - okay, it was a really good day! tomorrow promises to be good too as i go for my 6 mile long run - yikes


  • stairs are brutal. next time remember that the bathroom of where you work is on the second floor and that you still live on the third floor and your home does not come down to meet you at the car and they will not be adding an elevator anytime soon. remember that the next time stairs sound like a good workout.

  • it's not such a good idea to wear heels the day after running 4 miles- just saying.

  • sleep is still conducive to running - need to pay more attention to that one detail.

so there you have it there it is - i hurt, but i'm running better :) i hurt alot actually...

p.s. i have now officially broken in my shoes - they met the world of mud yesterday and not just any mud - the cold, wet, slimy kind. oh, and in case you didn't know, when you run through mud there is a pretty good possibility that you will kick it up onto your leg - so beware the cold, wet, slimy mud!

with God all things are possible

my beautiful baby girl!

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